Thursday, January 17, 2008


Last night, Derry started a new series on TAWG Time. For those of you who may not know what that stands for it is Time Alone With God. This is going to be a great series and I am excited to see how God is going to work in my life and in the students lives with this series.

TAWG hasn't always been easy for me. I usually have good intentions to do it, but then find myself overbooking myself and then pushing this to the side. Wow, is that the wrong thing to do. I don't know about you, but I have realized whenever I start my day with TAWG, my days go better. Imagine that, spending time alone with God and having better days! In life, we get so consumed with schedules and being busy that we leave out the most important thing in life and that is to work on our relationship with God.

Last night Derry went over two steps that are vital with TAWG:

1. Patience and 2. Priority

In any relationship we have, in order for that relationship to grow, we need to spend time with that person. That is again true if we want to get closer to God. Derry challenged us to even write out a schedule and include our TAWG time on it. I have decided to do my TAWG time at 6:00 AM every morning and start my day off with God.

A big thing with this will be having some of my friends as accountability because we know that works. I am looking forward to this series and to becoming closer with God.

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