Last week Alison shared with us on the ALONE part of TAWG. Here are some key points from last Wednesday.
- If you want your OWN relationship with God, spend time with him ALONE.
- Having my own relationship with God means....
- 1. Feeding myself continuously.
- 2. Using and Apron vs. a Bib.
- Spending time alone with God is...
- 1. Finding your mountain. (Luke 6:12)
- 2. Getting rid of distractions.
- 3. Digging deep into your heart.
- Being alone with God allows us to:
- 1. grow individually
- 2. completely depend on Him
- 3. be authentic
- 4. have a long-lasting relationship
- 5. have intimacy with Him
- 6. discover our true identity in Him
A couple of questions to think about today...
1. What does your mountainside look like?
2. Is my relationship with God my OWN, or am I depending on a lot of other people, church, etc. to keep my faith alive?
3. What is distracting me from getting ALONE with God?