Saturday, November 17, 2007

Finally....a win

As I sat in Notre Dame Stadium today, on a chilly-rainy fall day...all I could think about is how bad this season has been and how in the world our program could be 1-9.

Well, I figured we should beat Duke, who isn't a football school and was 1-9 also.
This year, we aren't a football program either. As a matter of fact, I am more excited about watching a very good ND basketball team.

What I got out of our 28-7 win today was this:
  • Jimmy Claussen is going to be a great QB.
  • Give the ball to Robert Hughes and Armando Allen
  • We need to get some good receivers
  • Duke was horrible!

Next week we finish at Stanford. A win and we finish 3-7. Actually, IU will have a better record than ND this year...OUCH~


Carter Bob said...

pssh Notre Dame! Psh!

Anonymous said...

hey mr helfrich (craig its your favorite student zeke)