Friday, June 8, 2007

Bring On Summer

I am sitting here just thinking about how time really flies by, especially as you get older. Yesterday marked the end of my 10th year of teaching already! I can't believe it: 10 YEARS! I can remember my first year of teaching at Silver Lake Elementary like it was just yesterday. Being a teacher is a very rewarding job, and not because you "supposedly" get a couple months off! What is so cool is when you have former students who come back to visit, send you notes, invite you to their activities, use you as a reference, and just let you know that you are appreciated!

Yesterday was our Awards Day and then a little end of the year party. One of my students then had a pool party last night which was a lot of fun. It was overall a good day. I am now officially tired, but life continues to go on.

I am now focusing in on my summer plans. I am really excited about what God is going to do this summer.

Tonight and Saturday I have my NYGO retreat. I am really pumped about this. We leave for New York City on June 29 for a mission trip. I am so excited to see how God is going to use all of us. Summer also means another awesome week of Summer Camp in July. Other items on the summer agenda: basketball tutoring, working a little, plenty of softball games, pool parties, concerts, relaxing.. and who knows what else.

1 comment:

mamaofsix said...

Hey! I am not sure whether to call you my "brother" or another "son" but I am glad you will get the chance to experience our chaotic life and the chance to ENJOY our children as much as we do!! The kids are already going crazy wanting to know your every move. I hope we don't drive you too crazy!!:-) Welcome to the Family!!