Friday, May 4, 2007


This summer a group of us from NMC will be going to New York City for a week to witness to people on the streets. I am really looking forward to this opportunity. We are currently doing a book study that deals with this trip and it has been great! It has really been an eye opener for me in many areas of my life.

I believe the week we will be in NYC will totally change my life! Last week we talked about how Christ was persecuted and still is and how we will be persecuted as well for Christ. One thing really hit me... if people persecute us, they are really persecuting him!

Last night in my devotions I read that our attitude really reflects who we are and it all starts with our hearts! If our hearts aren't in the right places, then others will not see Christ at all. It is a good lesson for all of us. How are our hearts? How is your heart?

Have a great Friday!

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