Wednesday, October 8, 2008


A few days ago we buried my grandma. My grandma lived 92 amazing years. As I have had time to reflect the past few days on her life, I have come to the conclusion that she left such a legacy for her children, grandchildren, and friends in her life. I remember many wonderful things about her. She used to come over and baby-sit for my brother and I, she supported me in my athletic events, she was always reading bible stories to me, and she always used to give me a half a piece of gum.

At the viewing, they displayed my grandma's bible. It was amazing to look at her bible. She had written in the margins on about every page, it was well worn, and you could tell she spent hours in the word of God. It really made me stop and realize that I am not anywhere close to where she was spiritually. I want to get into the word like she did. Her example is one I want to follow. She is up in Heaven rejoicing and having a great time I know.

Thank you for all your prayers, flowers, and cards during this time.

1 comment:

mamaofsix said...

Beautiful lady both inside and out!! What a remarkable woman.