Sunday, August 5, 2007

Busy Weekend

Well, the first week of August makes me stop and think...
1) Where did summer go?
2) How many days until school starts?
3) How much work has to be done to get my room ready for the new year
4) When does soccer start?
5) Youth Group kicks into full force soon

and so many other things.....

This has been a great weekend.
Friday night I had the opportunity to hang out with some great friends of mine, my dad also joined us for a cookout and swim time. It was a much needed night of just relaxing and having some fun.

Saturday was busy with work and then hanging out with my dad. My mom was at a Women's Retreat so it was good to spend some quality Father-Son time.

Today has been great. Another awesome service and message from Pastor Dave. I met my parents for lunch and then spent the rest of the day working. I am looking forward to the upcoming week.

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