Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer Camp 2007

I just returned from Summer Camp. Wow, can I tell you how much God was in that place. It was just amazing to see what the Lord did and is going to continue to do through this experience.

This year's camp them was ONE.

-ONE life to live.

-ONE God to serve.

-ONE life changing experience.

The big take away from camp was one word: PRAYER.

We must get back to prayer and realize the importance of it. We set up a prayer room where each cottage group took an hour block of time each morning to pray and to write their prayers on the walls of the room. I can't tell you how amazing that was! My group prayed on Tuesday morning from 3-4 AM. Can I just tell you I am far from a morning person. I figured it would be hard to get my group up to pray at 3 AM, but I was wrong! I can't tell you what an incredible time of prayer we had for that one hour in the middle of the night! The time went by so quickly and we weren't even tired!

This week also focused on not just asking God for little things (pray for my test, pray for my game, pray for my family....etc.) but to make HUGE, 0ut there prayers. We have God in a box a lot of times and think that he can't do all that we ask or even imagine. Our God is a BIG GOD WHO CAN DO BIG THINGS! I believe that will be a huge take away from this week.

Each group that prayed in that prayer room really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in that place. I will be putting some pictures up of the prayer room for you to see.

I will be updating more later.

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